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Before we get too far, I just want to give you an overview of what Remote Falcon is and what to expect from the new documentation.

What Is Remote Falcon?

Remote Falcon is a free web application that integrates with both Falcon Player (FPP) and xSchedule to allow viewers to interact with your light show. Via a highly customizable Viewer Page, your visitors can request or vote on songs to be played on your display.

What to Expect

If you've been around long enough to have seen the previous Remote Falcon documentation on GitHub, then you're all too aware of how horrible it was. In short, it consisted of a gigantic word wall that was impossible to navigate and required Tylenol and whiskey after only 3 minutes of reading. I wanted to change that with this new documentation. So here's what you can expect from it:

Ease of Use

The sidebar and simple navigation should make this documentation easier to use, whether you're reading it thoroughly (which I seriously doubt you're done), skimming, or looking for something specific. Certain sections of the documentation will also contain screenshot and helpful examples to make things easier to understand. Take a moment to notice the links to the right that make it easier to navigate through individual sections. Go ahead... I'll wait here.


Not gonna lie, I was pretty bad at keeping the previous documentation updated. Why? Because Software Engineers hate writing documentation! It's not my fault, that's just how it is. But this new custom documentation site should make it easier to keep things current and updated.


Oh yeah, you heard that right. If I can make something as boring as documentation fun, then I can do anything! So expect a lot of wisecracks and GIFs!

Lets Go