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11-09-2024 - New Features!

· One min read
Remote Falcon

Here's a breakdown of the New Features added in version 2024.11.09.


Dashboard Stats Download and Delete


When downloading Dashboard Stats, it now will only download the stats that are within the date range. This allows you to pinpoint which stats you actually want to download.

In addition, there is now an option to also delete the stats withing a given date range. So you can now delete stats if you're doing testing and want to clear the stats before your show goes live.

Viewer Page Enhancements


Let's start at the top and work our way down...

Now Playing Timer

You might notice a 0:00 under Playing Now. This is a new timer element that will display the time remaining in the current playing sequence. Please note that the time is not perfect but it is close.

Adding this timer is simple; just add a new div element (wherever you want) and add the {NOW_PLAYING_TIMER} tag to it. Here's an example:


Sequence Images and Artists

Updated the rendering so sequence images and artists now display everywhere and not just in the sequence list.