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Docker Compose

This is obviously going to be the easiest method, but isn't going to be very useful unless you're planning to make code changes or just want to mess around with running it locally. Either way, the steps are pretty easy.

Download Docker

Before you do anything, you'll need to make sure you have a Docker environment set up. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest way is to just download Docker Desktop. Once you have Docker installed, open up a new terminal and type docker -v. You should see something similar to this:


Download the docker-compose.yaml

After you have Docker installed, it's time to download the docker-compose.yaml file from GitHub. After it's downloaded you'll need to open the file, so you can make a small change. When opened, you'll need to look for this property:

- /some/local/path/mongo-volume:/data/db #Update the path before the : to a valid path on your machine

Notice there's a comment next to it specifying what you need to do. Simply replace the /some/local/path/mongo-volume with a valid path to somewhere on your local machine. This mount is used to persist the data in the event your container is stopped.

Run the docker-compose.yaml

Aside from the one small edit we made, the docker-compose.yaml file has everything we need in it to run Remote Falcon locally. It automatically pulls the latest code, builds the code (along with a Mongo database), then runs it all. To do this, simply open a terminal, change into the directory that containers the docker-compose.yaml, and run docker compose up. You'll see a lot of logs as it pulls and builds the different services. Once the logs slow down, open http://localhost:3000 and you should see the Remote Falcon page. Since this is a new instance on your local, the Mongo database is empty, so you'll need to create a new account. And no need to worry about the email verification process; there's a property in the docker-compose.yaml that skips the verification step and allows you to log in immediately after creating your account.

Additional Configuration

For FPP users, you'll need to update the URL used by the plugin to point to your domain. Update the value to

FPP Domain

Stopping Remote Falcon

Once you're done testing and are ready to stop Remote Falcon, you can do so by running docker compose down. This will tear down all the containers.