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You're not going to get far without signing up and signing in...

Sign Up and Sign In

Remote Falcon would be pretty boring without this feature.

Sign Up

When you click the Sign Up link from the home page, you'll be taken to a simple form that asks for a few bits of information.

Sign Up Form

First Name and Last Name

I hope this is something you already know and you weren't expecting the documentation to cover it...

Show Name

Okay, so the show name here is pretty important. When you sign up for Remote Falcon, a URL for your webpage is automatically created (more on this later).

For example, if you use Dunder Mifflin Light Show as the show name during sign up, your website URL will be

So choose wisely, but don't fret too much about it. You can always change your show name later.

Show Names

If your show name is The Most Amazing Light Show on the Face of the Earth, you may want to consider shortening it. Your viewers will likely hate having to type in their phones browser. Lord knows I would...


Just don't use 12345...

Spaceballs Luggage

Email Validation

After filling out the form and clicking that Sign Up button, you'll be sooo close to using Remote Falcon. To prevent random people, bots, and other stuff from getting into Remote Falcon, you will have to verify your email address. But it's super simple. Just click the Verify Email Now button in the email with the amazing GIF from the Christmas movie Die Hard. That's right, I said it...

Die Hard

Sign In

After validating your email, you're ready to sign in to Remote Falcon! Are you excited yet?! Put in your email address and password and click that Sign In button.

Forgot Password

So you forgot your password. It happens. Just click the Forgot Password link on the Sign In page. You'll get an email with directions to reset your password.